Einstök Ölgerð Icelandic Doppelbock
ABV: 6.7%
Style: Doppelbock
Reactions and Insights
I like it because it’s got a weaker flavor than most Doppelbocks. It’s got a nice graininess about it, it isn’t too malty, and it’s somewhat watery. It also has a nice mouthfeel, which is a dumb word. But it does, and that’s rare in many beers. All of this makes it very easy to drink.
Would I drink a case of it?
As usual, no.
OK, but would I drink a six-pack of it?
Yeah, I might. It’d be a great beer to bring to a holiday party.
Did it contribute to my holiday spirit?
I am writing this while drinking it and looking at my Christmas tree as the sun starts to set on a snow-cloudy day. Yes.
Beth’s Grade
Objective Grade
Label Notes
It’s a stylishly cute logo. I just noticed that the logo uses Museo, a very of-the-moment font that’s working nicely with the other elements. Good trendy fonts can make you feel excited to be alive. Also the label wrapper has a nice construction papery quality. 9/10
I actually bought a six-pack of this and loved it. I would totally buy a case of this.