Beer Advent Calendar: Day 15


Palm Speciale

ABV: 5.4%
Style: Belgian Pale Ale

Reactions and Insights
Some people in my circle consider Palm to be a great beer. I can’t muster such strong positivity — it’s always struck me as bland — but it’s pleasant and reliable. And it’s certainly good choice for a holiday breather.

Would I drink a case of it? 
Probably not.

OK, but would I drink a six-pack of it?
I’ve done it before and I may someday do it again.

Did it contribute to my holiday spirit?
Not really, no.

Beth’s Grade

Objective Grade

Label Notes
I am a huge fan of this label. It reminds me of an ’80s movie about Australia. Not any particular movie, just the concept of such a movie. 9/10

3 thoughts on “Beer Advent Calendar: Day 15

  1. Chris says:

    I don’t even know how many cases of Palm I’ve had. It’s one of my top go-to beers when I want something not too malty and dark and not aggressively hoppy. It always hits the spot for me and goes great with Chinese and Thai, in my opinion.

  2. Beth says:

    I can definitely see how it would go well with Asian food. And let me be clear, I don’t dislike it. It’s just not something I crave. I like the icon on the old label more, but overall I like them about the same.

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