Month: December 2015
Day 2: Belhaven Twisted Thistle IPA
Style: IPA
ABV: 5.6%
What I was doing while I drank it
Trying to make myself work on a really boring thing I’ve been avoiding all week and making up dumb songs about what I was doing.
Reactions and Insights
This has suddenly started appearing on taps in my area, so I’ve had it before. And it’s good. It’s not outstanding, but it’s balanced enough to please my constant craving of hops while staying pretty light. I’m not going to claim to have experienced any of the things people on Beer Advocate are saying about it, like that it has a “caramel, mango and minty balance on the nose.” All I’ll say is it’s pretty much what I want from the beer I have after work (or during work, whatever).
Would I drink a case of it?
Did it contribute to my holiday spirit?
Beth’s Grade
Objective Grade
Label Notes
It used to look like this so it seems they have recently redesigned it. The new design is an improvement, and while I don’t really like the elements on their own—the edgy hand-drawn font, the “twisted thistle” hipster cartoon dude—I feel like as a whole it works. That shade of purple is nice and uncommon.
Label Grade
Just a reminder that…
Day 1: Brooklyn Brewery Insulated Dark Lager
Style: Dark Lager
ABV: 5.6%
What I was doing while I drank it
Working. Sitting. Living the life of a person who drinks while working and sitting. A healthy and exciting life!
Reactions and Insights
I’m happy that Chris started me off with something wintry. This is a solid, cozy beer, really dark and drinkable. It’s got a little bite to it in the background, kind of like crispy burnt pizza crust.
Would I drink a case of it?
Did it contribute to my holiday spirit?
I would like to say yes, but I’m not in the spirit yet. It certainly didn’t hurt. I’ll get there.
Beth’s Grade
Objective Grade
Label Notes
Brooklyn Brewery has a decent standard label template, and the blue and orange work nicely here. It’s a successful if uninspiring label.
Label Grade